Hello! This blog is not for posting stories or articles, so if you're looking for that, you can leave. I am a fifteen year old transsexual -male identified. I know about the struggles that transgender youth faces, legally, medically, and socially. On this blog, you will find resources, such as links to helpful websites, or legal forms.

Please contact me if you need to talk. My email is isaacisspiderman@yahoo.com. You can also PM me on YouTube by going to my youtube channel and clicking Send Message (right hand side of the screen). I check my email and my YouTube every day.

If it is an emergency that requires immediate attention, call 911.

Please feel free to share these resources with your friends and on the internet.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bending the Mold: An Action Kit for Transgender Youth

This is a really cool resource that I found on www.transyouth.com. It shows examples of how to take action in your schools and communities to fight transgender discrimination.

Click HERE to open new doors in your schools and communities!!